Went off around 12.00pm before passing by lots of tol only to reach around 1 to 1.15. It was the second time coming to this place for me according to my mum but I don't remember coming here til my parents try very hard to refresh my memories. This place does feels kind of familiar though.
We ate chicken, vegetables, prawns, fish, crabs and fruits! The serving is quite big and I think I ate quite a lot in my current appetite. Ate lots of fish and prawns. It was quite good. The crabs were smaller than those I usually ate but it was sweet and juicy.
After the meal, I drove back and I manage to get a haircut after telling myself that I would get a haircut for few weeks in a row but I didn't have the time for it, or more like I am lazy to go for a haircut. Thanks to Steph and Swan's pressure, I must do it this weekend! Else I would have gotten lazy and tell myself, "Next Week". Well, hope you all still recognize me. haha...
For the coming week, it's gonna be another busy week. Its now week 6 already and and and it means time is ticking down for my courseworks, projects and researches. I hope I could spend more time with those rather than relying on classmates but I know I will end up relying on you guys once again, so thanks in advance! Whoops..
I'm heading back to Semenyih this weekend, and this time I'm heading back with good stuff! Sorry HM, I hope I remember to bring it back this week as I forget to bring it back last week.
Anyway, here ends the wordy post and I forget to mention something on the previous post so I would like to say it here.
Thank you guys for the meal on Friday. Its weird girls treating guys, so the next meal is gonna be on TK! Good idea? I think it is!
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