During exams period, expenditure seem to skyrocket. Eating more meals than I usually do as I often get hungry after studying at night and also spending more in food recently and also drinks like STARBUCKS.
Starbucks is a good place to study and the environment there is good too as I just came back from there but its costly. Yes, costly.
I am dead broke n spending lots this few days and financially it couldn't get any better. Hopefully can control my spending abit.
5 years ago
what to dooooo u have to study there lol!
wth u got addicted thx to me lol..veryone also but i thank God i do not hAVE tht addiction cause i kinda like my study place so far which is way cheaper. FOC. Unless i order food. =.="
suddenly friends say go SB study, so i just say okay! i'd join.. lOL! n it cost a bomb!
OLD town!!!!!!! =P
At home or freind house la..no computer no laptop no tv on just table, chair, light, books/notes, pencil box. , water.
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